Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Power of Women

Last weekend Tyson and I went to some classes on finding our "soul purpose" and then learning how to mold that purpose into a business. We then went to some marketing classes about how important online marketing of the first things is to create a blog and use it on a daily basis! Well, I need to implement that rule a little better! So why not start today, right!?

As I was sitting in one of these classes it hit me why this business is so important to me. I have a firm belief in the importance of health and fitness and that feeling good about yourself on the outside can help portray the feelings that you have on the inside about yourself and life in general. BUT, the personal strength and power has to start from the inside first and then radiate outward...NOT the other way around. It is important to know who we are and what we stand for and our outward appearance can help show others that inward confidence.

Yofit, is a company that wants to help women realize the power and strength that they have within. So many women hide behind 5k cotton t-shirts and cut off sweat pants. I want to help women realize that they do have a purpose and that they are powerful human beings with great potential to do great things in this world to make it a better place. Shed those old t-shirts and paint stained sweat pant ladies!!! Radiate your power within and share it with the world!

You are God's "crowning jewel" of all his creations!